Nike and Tacit Collusion
In the world of athletic shoes and apparel, we can typically see a trend in pricing. There have historically been prices that customers have become familiar with for certain types of shoes. This can be attributed to tacit collusion. Nike commands the market in athletic shoes, yet its prices are not outrageous compared to its competition. Why is this? A simple answer is that the incentive of Nike's competitors to "cheat" in the short-term is not greater than the long-term benefits of cooperation. Meaning that competitors know that if they undercut Nike on comparable products they will experience short-term financial gains, but that Nike and other competitors can lower future pricing in order to squeeze out the non-cooperative firm. Nike also understands that it must keep its pricing competitive in order to maintain its market share in the industry. Any increase in price that consumers perceive as unjustified will create a decrease in market share f...